photography mixed with random thoughts and experiences of emma flokstra.

mandag den 10. maj 2010

Nina blev engang 18

Skulle have lagt noget fra hendes 19års ud, men faldt i stedet over de her :)

torsdag den 6. maj 2010

A post about someone I love

Dear disease and danish-essay, I do not like you. Would you please leave. I would much rather just listen and look at Björk. She means the world to me and just made me realise that I like David Sims as well.

Dear disease. Why don't you write my essay for me? And then I'll sit here and listen to more Björk. I like that idea.
Dear essay. I am not going to write you right now. Instead I will post a blog about a much more interesting theme: BJÖRK

So here. Theese are all photos of Björk by the british photographer David Sims. I borrowed them from I love them.

Perhaps one day, if I am lucky, she will pose for my camera. That would be a dream come true.

onsdag den 5. maj 2010

Graveyard observations

Theese were taken almost a month ago, but then my computer broke down and I forgot about them.
An actual graveyard:
- sorry for the loss

A place that is pretty close to being a graveyard:
...Christ I am ghetto for living here

hello birdie

mandag den 3. maj 2010

Nina, nitten, take 1

Tillykke endnu engang søtte Ninia. Jeg har taget mig sammen til at smide 3 billeder ud for i dag. More to come ;)

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