photography mixed with random thoughts and experiences of emma flokstra.

lørdag den 23. marts 2013

The Safe Zone

Yesterday my first part of the test for one of the two photo-educations I am applying for arrived.
Today was also the day that I handed in my second midterm for the English study in the University of Copenhagen. These two very different assignments made me realise why I really really want to be a photographer and do this for the rest of my life; I want to leave the safe zone.
The Safe Zone is where we stay because we know it is the easiest. Me for instance, I get frustrated when I find something hard. I prefer the "easy" subjects in school and uni because they are "safe" to me. But I do not have the most fun in the safe zone! Whenever I leave it I am thrilled. The excitement of doing something out of my comfort zone is incredible. When I was a child my mother did not understand why I always had to climb the highest trees and sit up there all day. I always told her because I liked climbing and excluding myself from the world, but this is not the entire truth. I could never tell her because she fears heights so much, but really I was up there because it was a challenge. A challenge and a thrill. Of course I enjoy the safe zone as well, but honestly if I could not leave it life would be really boring. Anywho... what these photographic challenges are to me are the highest trees that I have to climb. To me they can be extremely challenging and almost dangerous (asking everyone to help, for permission to take their picture, all of this), but I absolutely love it!!

Safe zone, see you later, I'm off!

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