photography mixed with random thoughts and experiences of emma flokstra.

mandag den 17. december 2012

Guilty pleasure

I do not know why exactly, but Ed Sheeran fascinates me,
maybe it's the accent, maybe it's just that all the musicvideos are thought through,
maybe it's because he is ginger and knows Rupert Grint
or maybe it is just because of this song... 

torsdag den 6. december 2012

mandag den 26. november 2012

Knife, fruit, lightbulb

I was given a task: 
take a still life photograph using one of the following: 
a knife, fruit or/and a lightbulb. 

tirsdag den 20. november 2012

Seminar with Denis Reggie and Per Morten Abrahamsen

Yesterday (Nov. 19, 2012) I went to a seminar with Denis Reggie and Per Morten Abrahamsen at SAS Radison sponsored by Canon, Goecker and DFF.
Because it was during my regular classes at university I had to skip school, but boy was it worth it!

My notes regarding Denis Reggie are something like this:

35 years in the business, invented Wedding Photojournalism

Reggie wants to serve the fewer expensive weddings instead of the many cheaper weddings.
500 dollars >< 5000 dollars
You have to look for the moments. The true moments.

80% Sheep
20% Shepherds
Reggie must be a sheep when working with the Shepherds.

Awareness of the camera is the enemy. 

Almost open aperture, high ISO.
Denis has a MARK III and uses 4 lenses on a shoot.

Foofing of light! Bounce it of the walls, never aim it at a person (the flash that is).

My notes regarding Per Morten Abrahamsen are something like this:
Challenge yourself!
Find your connection with the subject you are shooting
Once you have an (original) idea, use it, use it, and overuse it!

Much of the seminar was tons of product commercials, but I actually do not mind this because it means that everything was free (including my lunch, tea, sodas etc.). And I really appreciate this at the moment, because my account is currently bellow 0.

onsdag den 7. november 2012

Barrack Obama and Star Wars

I am certain there is a connection...

mandag den 29. oktober 2012

selvportrætter 26/10

Hoping to soon be updating with something a little more interesting than my face, 
but a couple of hours after these were taken I fell and now I have a concussion... 
so it'll probably be a while. Sry.


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